
Project Updates

July 2024

July 2024 updates to be added as relevant information becomes available.

May – June 2024

Coastal Development Permit Update

  • The City of Long Beach has prepared and submitted a Coastal Development Permit amendment package to the California Coastal Commission
  • The California Coastal Commission (CCC) has approved the City’s request for a Second Extension of the Coastal Development Permit for the Belmont Beach and Aquatics Center. The Permit Extension can be found on the Notices / Meetings page.

Design Update

  • Concept plans reviewed and approved by the City’s Community Development Planning Bureau
  • Schematic design plan set submitted and reviewed by key City bureaus and departments
  • Design development process is underway

March 2024

The California Coastal Commission (CCC) has received the City’s request for a Second Extension of the Coastal Development Permit for the Belmont Beach Aquatics Center.

In addition, since the City Council’s approval of the alternative programmatic concept for the BBAC facility, the project and design teams have been working to prepare a Coastal Development Permit amendment package for Coastal Commission review. Staff anticipates this package to be submitted next month.